Gorgon on the Gowanus


I’m continuing to chip away at getting this project realized — a replica of a colossal Roman medusa head positioned directly over a combined sewage output (CSO) on the Gowanus Canal. This is a sketch of the idea by the artist and my collaborator Hermann Mejia. Ultimately we’d like to fabricate this medusa head in a durable plastic.  Actually cement is my first choice due to the history of cement manufacturing on the canal, but realistically, unless it’s going to be a permanent installation, another material needs to be used.
The idea is to draw attention to the environmental impact of CSOs — and to make the connection all the way back to the sewage systems of ancient rome. Plus we think it will be a striking image for people to see as they pass over the Carroll Street Bridge. Especially during a rainstorm when combined sewage is spewing forth from the pipe!